First of all may I wish all my readers and fishing friends a very happy and productive new year!. I apologise for the serious lack of posts, of late I have been very busy both on and off the bank.On a fishing note apart from a still water perch trip which turned out to be about as productive as Everton midfeilder Steven Naysmith,all my angling adventures have been in pursuit of my ever loved Esox. I have fished quite a few sessions since my last blog post so I will keep things brief and have a bit of a catch up.
You may have already heard of a fishery called Emperor lakes? if your into specimen fishing and live in the south west its pretty much a given that you will be fimilier with such a place,if not....then shame on you!. Deep in the valleys of lucky little Loddiswell nestles two beautifully mature lakes,Beneath the Vail of the surface water swim some very special fish.Carp and Catfish of huge sizes are the main attraction for most visiting anglers but me and my crew had our heads filled with hopes of something a damn site toothier!.Owner Dave Lidstone had given me the go ahead to put together a crack team of keen Pike anglers to explore the potential of the complex.
Action started from the off within the first twenty minutes of fishing Jules had landed a trio of mid doubles from a deep spot on the dam wall,else where on the lake strings were being pulled frequently.I had a bit of a slow start so I changed both my hook baits over to lamprey sections and fed some chop with the idea of drawing them in with a bloody scent trail.the plan had worked as I had 7 pike over 2 hours,no monsters but allot of fun none the less.Russ Hilton took the biggest of the day with a stunning upper double which was a pb for Russ so happy days pal.
I have also been busy fishing a variety of other Pike haunts including reservoir's, river's, pits and canals.

Pike are truly incredible creatures that deserve our upmost respect,being confident in handling and unhooking is vital.For anyone that is unsure of this and looking at getting into pike angling I would advise going with someone who can show you how to care for these fish for a few sessions before going it alone.Correct tackle must also be employed!, over the years I have removed a scary amount of lost rigs due to people not using heavy enough line to cope with the fight of a large Pike. basically if your fishing for Pike make sure you come correct with confidence and the right equipment to get the job done properly.
Til next time
Good luck
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