As the days turn into weeks and so forth it seems time is flying by me at an alarming rate, the routine of grafting all week and only being limited to a spot of angling on the weekends has become the norm as of late; after all mans gotta earn a crust right? January ended with a lovely 19lb 6oz fish from the Hampshie Avon on a quick dawn raid with Steve'o Moor and Moxy,we had a great day trying a number of methods roving aound fishng a number of swims. I love fishing new rivers and the pike were in a quite playful mood seeing us all catch a few fish each.
To some up February's results in a word, my Pike fishing this month has been nothing short of LITTER, a bit like Everton's woeful displays at the moment, I wont bother starting to express my anguish on that matter but here's a few quick thoughts- Moyes is boring and negative and I think my dad should be the next Everton manger, like I said I'm not going to gone on about it so lets talk fishing.
Time is ticking away on the old Pike front, it will soon be time to dust of the tench and carp gear but I,m hoping for some hefty Pike and Perch before Moving on to the more friendly species. As I mentioned earlier my fishing hasn't been exactly what you'd call electric lately,in fact is been pretty expensive and a test of endurance and will. A trip to the Pike fishing mecca that is Chew valley reservoir always brings intense anticipation to the mind of any Pike angler that casts a bait into its expansive depths.

Through a couple of good mates ( Mox and Jules ) I managed to wangle myself a weekend trip with one day on the bank and the next from boat, cheers lads. Unfortunately neither day produced a Pike for me nor my fishing partner's, The first day was spent on the bank in the company of Moxy. The weather was fairly kind to us but the fish however were playing somewhat hard to tempt,other than two dropped runs to my rods the day was very long and relaxingly uneventful.I had to make the trip back to Exeter as I had been booked to bust my thang at a Drum n Bass rave that night,The contrast in environments being somewhat huge.With ringing ears the job had been done, I left the club in the early hours to get my stuff together and get back up to Chew.We arrived at the venue at around 7am greeted by a harsh wind and horrible looking lake resembling the Atlantic sea,still he boats got the go ahead and Jules wanted to skip breakfast to make the most of our time.It turned out be one of those days were in the back of your mind your thinking; why am I doing this? I must be mad. A complete shit storm had set upon the lake and by around lunch time I was wet to the under cracker's, boats were flooding back in retreat but me and Jules agreed that the chance of a Pike of a life time was well worth sitting there like a pair of drowned rats.
I spent the remainder of my spare time chasing a big river Pike, I maneged a couple of jack pike and a scraggy low double but I was very disappointed as the conditions looked spot on for a big girl, perhaps they had spawning on their minds or maybe not? any way that's the way it goes in the game of Pike fishing so there's no love lost there.
Til next time
Good luck
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